Benedikt Herz

Welcome to my webpage. I received my PhD in economics from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. I am currently working as an economist at the European Commission.

On this webpage you can find a list of my research papers and other work in progress. I am mostly interested in applied microeconometrics and policy evaluation. My research covers areas such as labor economics, public economics, as well as economics of innovation and intellectual property rights.

Any opinions expressed on this website do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission.

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Selected Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

The Effect of Design Protection on Price and Price dispersion: Evidence from Automotive Spare Parts”, working paper, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 79(102776) (2021), with M. Mejer

Border Effects in European Public Procurement”, Journal of Economic Geography, 20(6) (2020), with X.L. Varela-Irimia

Structural Change and the Fertility Transition”, CEPR working paper, Review of Economics and Statistics, 102(4) (2020), with P. Ager and M. Brueckner

Accounting for Mismatch Unemployment”, Journal of the European Economic Association, 18(4) (2020), with T. van Rens

Specific Human Capital and Wait Unemployment”, Journal of Labor Economics, 37(2) (2019)

Effects of the European Union trademark: Lessons for the Harmonization of Intellectual Property Systems”, Research Policy, 48(7) (2019), with M. Mejer

Movie Piracy and Displaced Sales in Europe: Evidence from Six Countries”, Information Economics and Policy, 43 (2018), with K. Kiljanski

On the Fee Elasticity of the Demand for Trademarks in Europe”, Oxford Economic Papers, 68(4) (2016), with M. Mejer

Other Selected Publications

Google/Fitbit: Preserving Healthy Competition in Digital Markets”, DG COMP Competition Merger Brief, 1 (2021), with Leonie Hass, Fabio Polverino and João Vareda